Sunday, March 31, 2013

Hiatus (sad face)

I was recently accepted to an internship working on giant kangaroo rats in the Carrizo Plain. I have only just arrived at the site and can't tell you how excited I am to begin work.

However, like all good things, it comes with a cost. There is little internet access here, and probably less free time. I do not believe I can feasibly do a post everyweek, and so, with a heavy heart, I am putting The Everyday Animal on a hiatus until further notice.

However, I will try and keep everyone up to date on my field work through my other blog: For Science Sake. I encourage you all to visit it to see what ecology field work is like.

I greatly enjoy these posts, and sincerly hope tto continue them in the future. This field work will be 2-4 months, but once I am back in the modern world I hope to continue giving out great animal info.

Thank you so much to everyone who has been a supporter and reader of this blog! This is not the end, I promise, just a break.

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