Great Science Blogs Around the Web

  • For Science Sake - My second blog on nature, science and my thoughts on nature and science

  • Science Sushi - One of my new favorites. Christie Wilcox blogs about science news, and her personal adventures as a scientists and a science writer

  • Boing Boing Science - Many of you may already know about Boing Boing, but if you haven't checked it out go do it now. 

  • Nature News - Stories from the journal Nature. Not always as fun as the other blogs, but great quality.

  • Science Daily - Where to go for the newest of the new science coming out.

  • A Comparative Mind - How does your mind work? How does and animal's mind work? A great blog that answers those questions as best it can.

  • The JodyFish Journals - Although it has not been updated in some time, Jody's adventures with her husband looking for lemurs are an entertaining look at in-the-field ecology.

  • Myrmecos - In Greek legend, Myrmecos was the son of Eurymedusa and Zeus, who seduced Eurymedusa in the form of an ant... A long version of just saying, this is a geeky blog all about ants.

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