Welcome to The Everyday Animal! Recently I had a conversation with some friends of mine who were trying to find an animal to research for a project and had settled on some sea birds. After coming back later that day from observing the birds at the beach, one of them quipped: "It's too bad seagulls are so boring, there's so f***ing many of them."
While I initially ignored this comment, thinking about it later I wondered just what he meant. Are they actually uninteresting pests that only foul (or fowl, if you will, ha) up our coastal cities? Or has their incredible ecologic success simply habituated us to their presence and caused us to overlook an otherwise incredible animal?
What I found, of course, was the latter, and this led me to wonder about all the animals we see every day but might overlook. I was so fascinated by these everyday animals that I knew I had to share my findings. So here we are, a blog about the under-appreciated animals that we overlook every day, and all the things that make them amazing. Follow me and find out more than you ever wanted to know, about the animals you never thought you wanted to know about.
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